Unable to rollback Pulse package changes

Hi Team,

We have migrated the Pulse package from Dev to QA. When we try to rollback the changes all changes are mapped to services account but not the user account who performed the activity. How to resolve this issue.

Hi @janardhan,

Can you provide in here the exact steps that you did?



Hi @plim ,

We have imported the package into destination location and then we deployed the package. Post package migration i am able to see that i was executed package but when i try to rollback the changes i am able to see that changes was performed by using service account. why its taking service account even i am a system admin.

Hi @janardhan,

A few more questions,

  • By “imported the package”, you mean, via Migration | Import Package, then by deployed, you mean Migration | Execute Package?
  • How did you do the rollback?
  • Which page did you see this service account when you were expecting your own account?



Hi @plim ,

As a admin i have performed package migration. Post migration when i see the change history details its showing the user details to system or service account but not the person who actual performed the package migration
Also , if non admin user perform i am able to see the changes made by him and getting roll back option if when i check in chnage history.

This is by design. All changes made during a migration will be reported as SYSTEM and not as the user who is executing the migration in Pulse.

Thanks for the update but i am able to see the changes when other user is performed.

I have package which contains (process,dimesions and rux files). By mistake i have migrated the package without getting approved by manager and i want to roll back the changes. please suuget on this issue.

Hi @janardhan ,

To rollback a package, you have to open each TM1 object and then click the rollback button. You have to do this for each process inside the package. Once you select one object in Change tracking you will be able to find the Rollback button as below:

To avoid this in the future, I would recommend you to enable the approval feature in Pulse. Once enabled, another developer will have to approve the migration before it can be executed: