tm1-ui-table-mdx dimension attribute

According to
Create a table from MDX
we can make use of tm1-dimension-attribute to display e.g. Description of the element on canvas.

However, it does not work out.
Let’s take the Account dimension as example
I found that when the “Use Aliases” in Subset Editor is turned off, no matter which options, e.g. “Description”, “Full Description” is chosen, it just returns the Account number.
Only if I turn on the “Use Aliases” in Subset Editor, the “Description” and “Full Description” will take effect.

So, in Canvas, how to display the Account Description rather than original number using something like:
tm1-dimension-attribute=“{Month:‘Description’, Account:‘Name’}”

thank you.

Hi @crea.hui,

Can you give further information as to what are your sources (mdx, named mdx, views?) and what kind of output where you looking for?

Alternatively, you should be able to set it up with the Cube Viewer (tm1-ui-cube-viewer) instead, and hide the functionalities that you do not need for the user.


Thanks Paul,
The id in mdx_named.json is
“mdx”: [
“SELECT NON EMPTY {[Month].[M12], [Month].[M12 YTD], [Month].[All Months]} * {[Scenario].[ACT], [Scenario].[BUD], [Scenario].[ACT vs BUD]} ON COLUMNS,”,
“NON EMPTY {[Account].[Expenses],[Account].[Expenses].children} ON ROWS”,
“FROM [Cube]”,
“WHERE ([Example].&[example])”

in html:
tm1-dimension-attribute=“{Month:‘Description’, Account:‘Description’}”

< /tm1-ui-table-mdx>

The table displays on canvas is still the original name, but not Description:

Indeed using cuber viewer is a lot more easier in v3, I am using v2 currently.

Hi @crea.hui,

Thanks for the update!

If you still would opt for the non-Cube Viewer approach, a workaround would be to use the Named MDX sample instead:


You will just need to update your HTML in the line that says {{}} into {{el.alias}}.

We have updated the above directive and will come as part of the next release.
