Things to consider before upgrading Pulse from Pulse v5.5.1 or previous versions


This post is a must read if your Pulse version is v5.4.2, v5.4.1, v5.3.2 or any other versions prior to v5.5.1.

Upgrade from an older version than v5.5.1

If you are thinking to upgrade from a Pulse version older than Pulse v5.5.1 (for instance Pulse v5.4.1 or v5.2.1), you have to upgrade first to Pulse v5.5.1, make sure that everything is working and then upgrade to the latest Pulse version. Pulse v5.5.1 should be like a staging version before installing Pulse v5.7.10.

Starting with Pulse v5.6, Pulse uses now only one H2 database by default. After upgrading from v5.5.1, the first time Pulse will start, it is going to migrate automatically your Pulse data from the old databases to the new H2 database. This migration process has been built taking into consideration the tables structure as they are in Pulse v5.5.1 and onwards. There are some slight differences between few tables from Pulse v5.5.1 and previous versions.

The main reason for changing the Pulse architecture to one database only is for performance and being able to support SQL Server.

Upgrade from v5.5.1

If your Pulse version is already v5.5.1, the migration will happen automatically, you just need to make sure that you have enough free space on your Drive (Minimum twice the size of the Pulse databases) and the .Net Framework is v4.6.1.

Upgrade from v5.6 or later

If you want to upgrade Pulse and your Pulse version is v5.6 or later, the upgrade will be very quick as Pulse will be already using the new H2 database.

More about Pulse databases

If you need more information, I’d recommend you to check the following articles: