String display in active form Canvas

Hi all

I’ve got an issue with an active form in Canvas in which I want to show result for string element.
For the string element only the figures in the string are displayed in the active form in Canvas. Example hereunder - Element Métier in TM1 = Z100 shown in Canvas as 100

Any idea ?

Hi @sschreurs,

How does your HTML for the above DBRs look like? What attributes have you used on this column?


hi @plim

I’ve solved the issue by replacing in the Active form tm1-ui-rpt-row-cell with tm1-ui-dbr and it works now.

Hi @sschreurs,

Thanks for the update!

Though it was great that it was resolved via another directive, can you please still do submit a ticket for the above?

Please do include the earlier HTML structure that you had for the active form together with the Canvas and TM1 version.
