Spread Right Not Working

Hello Team,

This issue has been reported previously, and even flagged as resolved, however, spread right in UX still doesn’t work. It works fine in a Perspectives cube view, but the equivalent UX View will only updated the highlighted cell, not the subsequent cells to the right. We are on version 2023.02 FP1.

Is this still a known issue?


@anz.fin.all.mailbox could you please be more specific as to what kind of spread you are trying to do? Is it just a simple repeat leaves e.g. “r>10”? Or somethgin more complex.

@atrajer Once David confirms what they are trying to do could you please try to reproduce?

@cw-ch-scott here is an example:

It updates the highlighted cell, but not the cells to the right. Here is a snip of the table, only Mar is updated, not the subsequent months:


Hi David,
Thanks for the example. Yes this looks to be a defect as I tested the same scenario in Arc and it is working there.
@atrajer could you please create a JIRA issue?

@cw-ch-scott @atrajer is there any update on this spreading issue?
