Size of Cube View Widget


Is it possible to free up some space on the screen so that a cube view can take up more of the screen? The default display I have for a view only makes use of 3/5 of the screen and I have three scroll bars.


I have tried using the advanced options so not to display toolbars, titles and so on, but I still have an unused white section at the top of the screen and two scroll bars and get an additional white block at the bottom of the page.

I have the following in the dashboard options

  "appbarEnabled": false,
  "titlebarEnabled": false,
  "toolbarEnabled": false,
  "filterbarEnabled": false,
  "activeFiltersEnabled": false,
  "timesliderEnabled": false,
  "filterbarOpened": false

I have the following in the widget options

  "cardConfig": {
    "showTopBorder": false,
    "shouldShowTitlesSeparator": false,
    "showSpinner": false,
    "subTitle": false,
    "showFooter": false

Have some advanced options been set incorrectly that causes this? Is there something else I can do?
