Remove yellow Messagebar from Canvas Active Form

Hi All,

the yellow message bar that is shown in the active form doesnt fit well into the look and feel of our application.
Is there a quick way to disable it?



Hi @mwirtz,

You can use tm1-ui-progress and tm1-ui-progress-ready to wrap the whole Active Form and only show it when it is ready.

In addition, you can put your own animation or information that the user may want to see while the page is loading via the tm1-ui-progress-pending directive.

See the Help section for more information on the above directives and how to use them.



Hi Paul,

thanks! Now the yellow is not shown during the initial pageload.

It is still shown when there is no data displayed though.

Any way to get rid of it completely?



Hi @mwirtz,

You can try to utilize the model assigned into the active form at the tm1-ui-rpt-view directive.

All the data is parked under the data property of that ng-model.

So you should be able to show a different message / layout / table and hide the current active form through something like:


That is, assuming you have assigned the afData as your ng-model for the active form.



1 Like

This works for us! Thank you


I’d like to do something similar (just use the ng-model from the active form directive somewhere else) - is there a way of just getting a JSON of the row data?

Is the ng-show used in the div of the part that you want to reference the active form ng-model in?

Plus, does the tm1 ui rpt template tag still need to be on the page, regardless of whether it’s shown, the console would suggest yes?


Hi Jack,

Why don’t you just use named MDX instead of the active form if you want to use the data elsewhere?

Hey Tim,

Does the named mdx take cube, dimension and subset names as parameters like the elements in the title dimensions in the example in /samples?

Or are the parameters expected elements of dimensions only?



Hi Jack,

It can take any string although by default it will escape any closing square bracket, ] becomes ]]. To avoid this use:

"mdxParams": [
      { "name":"NameOfParam", "value":"anystring", "escaped": false } 

Hey Tim,

Thanks, that’s really useful.
