Referencing selected subset name MDX of a different dimension

I was wondering if any knew a way to capture the name of a subset for reference in an IIF MDX expression on an unrelated dimension.

For example:
Say I have the “FIN OCoA” account dimension on the rows of my view and I set “Enable Subset Selection” to ON for this dimension. My users will now have the ability to select between “Profit and Loss” and “Balance Sheet” subsets, and accounts will update accordingly on rows without issue.

My users have however asked for selected “GL Measure” to change when they change the account subset. They want the view to read from “Closing Balance” if they select “Balance Sheet” subset, and the measure to instead point to “Movement” when they select the “Profit and Loss” subset.

Is there any way to get a handle to the selected Account Subset value so that I can reference it in an IIF MDX statement on the “GL Measure” dimension?

Also… I’m very new to ApliqoUX so was wondering if there’s any documentation I can refer to which details the settings service variables available to me and the syntax for using them?


We typically cover those things in an initial training and provide examples with the UX demo application - it might be worthwhile reserve some time with your consultant to do a crash course to get you up to speed. There is also the documentation of the advanced options with examples embedded in the application (I suppose you have seen this already). We should add to this documentation a cheat sheet on the usage of MDX placeholders - thanks for the suggestion!

Anyways, what you want to do is possible - the syntax for the placeholder would be:
$<<ApliqoFPM.FIN OCoA.FIN OCoA Subset>>

The general syntax is: <<instance.dimension.hierarchy>>, e.g. <<ApliqoFPM.FIN OCoA.FIN OCoA>> (which returns the principal name of a selection) and further options are shown as examples for the FIN OCoA dimension:
$<<ApliqoFPM.FIN OCoA.FIN OCoA-alias>> (returns the assigned alias/attribute)

$<<ApliqoFPM.FIN OCoA.FIN OCoA::Description>> (returns any attribute of the selected element, “Description” in this example)

Hope that helps,

Thanks Andreas.

We had actually tried exactly that syntax before submitting this topic. We entered it in the view’s title, to see if we could return a result. Unfortunately it always resolves to blank.

I am able to retrieve the name of elements from the View Global Settings using that syntax in the title. eg: $<<apliqo.FIN Version.FIN Version>> will return “ACT - Actual” from the global settings.

However, using $<<apliqo.FIN OCoA.FIN OCoA Subset>> sadly fails to return the subset name that the rows are referencing.

As additional information on this… the fact the MDX placeholders even exist at all were only pointed out by the Cubewise consultant who was doing the hand over to me.

However, neither I nor the Cubewise consultant were able to get the Subset placeholder to return any value. Which is why I raised this topic on his (and my) behalf.

Hi @Epistemophile

are all documented, but unfortunately $<<instance.dimension.hierarchy Subset>> isn’t. We will see what we can do about closing that gap.

The important thing to note is that the subset name is only stored in the setting service (and therefore only retrievable) under the following conditions:

  1. the dimension must be “global” (that is either visible in the filterBar on on rows/columns in a View. If the dimension is a widget level filter in a Dashboard or on rows/columns in a widget then the subset won’t be stored in the setting service)
  2. the list type must be defined as “subset” (not MDX, not Min/Max, not anything else)

Thanks for you help. I was unable to get $<<instance.dimension.hierarchy Subset>> to work even after your help.

For clarity, the subset who’s value I was trying to capture was the “FIN OCoA” dimension on the rows of the main view. List type was subset. It had 3 predefined subset options flagged for user to select from. “Allow subset selection” was true so user could change subset value at top of page and rows updated accordingly.

With that setup, I was unable to get $<<instance.dimension.hierarchy Subset>> to return a value.

In the end, I came up with a workaround.

  1. I created a new dimension called “FIN OCoA Subsets”, with leaf elements exactly matching the 3 subset options in the “FIN OCoA” dimension.

  2. I added the new dimension to the View Global Settings

  3. I changed list type of the rows on the view from Subset to MDX, turned off subset selection, and updated the MDX of rows to be “{TM1SubsetToSet( [FIN OCoA].[FIN OCoA], “$<<apliqo.FIN OCoA Subsets.FIN OCoA Subsets>>” )}”

  4. To this point I hadn’t effectively changed anything as report still functioned exactly the same and looked the same to the user. However, by adding that extra “subset” dimension, I could get a handle to its value (my initial issue) and use that handle to dynamically select the measure via “{tm1SubsetToSet( [FIN General Ledger Measure].[FIN General Ledger Measure], “$<<apliqo.FIN OCoA Subsets.FIN OCoA Subsets>>”)}”.

So got there in the end via a work around!

One final question @cw-ch, you mention the placeholders are documented? Where do I go to view this documentation? I’m very keen to read up on it! Thanks again.

For example:

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Hi @cw-ch-scott ,

I have tried to use $<instance.dimension.hierarchy::attribute> but could not make it work.
Is there any limitation on this or anything to consider?

On year dimension, I have the following mdx:
{[Year].[Year].[$<<ProjectProfitability.Project Version.Project Version::StartYear>>]}


@monder , I believe that UX by default does not load up the entire elementAttribute cube for the filter dimensions for performance reasons. I found that for $<instance.dim.hier::attr> to work consistently, we need to force the elementAttribute cube load which can be achieve through the “getAllAttributeValues” parameter:


Thanks @wwang ,

This perfectly worked!

Coming back to this old topic again, because I got caught by the “only one attribute loads by default” thing.

I’ve changed the filter bar settings to “All Attributes” = Yes. And already had “Wait for Filterbar” = Yes.

It handles a bunch of attributes, but really hates one of them and there’s zero difference that I can see with that attribute.

User selects FY 2025…

MDX has all the attributes mapped…

The mapped attributes exist in the target dimension…

But for some (probably obvious reason that I am foolishly not seeing) reason, Apliqo really seems to dislike any reference to $<<apliqo.T Year.T Year::Y+1>>

If I put that into my heading, my entire heading disappears. If I put it into my MDX (replacing the hard-coded 2026 value), the MDX returns “no values”. If I use any attribute with “+” in the attribute name, the code fails. But any other attribute seems fine.

Is “+” in an attribute name a reserved character or something that behaves differently?

FYI - This code works (note last line attribute where I use Y-1 as attribute name, which is not what I want, but just using to show it works):

    {[FIN Version].[FIN Version].[ACT]} *
      [T Year-Month].[T Year-Month].[$<<apliqo.T Year.T Year::Y-3>>],
      [T Year-Month].[T Year-Month].[$<<apliqo.T Year.T Year::Y-2>>],
      [T Year-Month].[T Year-Month].[$<<apliqo.T Year.T Year::Y-1>>],
      [T Year-Month].[T Year-Month].[$<<apliqo.T Year-Month Clone.T Year-Month Clone>>]
      [FIN Version].[FIN Version].[FBUD]
  } *
    {[T Year-Month].[T Year-Month].[$<<apliqo.T Year-Month Clone.T Year-Month Clone>>]}
      [FIN Version].[FIN Version].[FBUD],
      [FIN Version].[FIN Version].[WFCST]
    } *
    {[T Year-Month].[T Year-Month].[$<<apliqo.T Year.T Year>>]}
    {[FIN Version].[FIN Version].[WFCST]} *
    {[T Year-Month].[T Year-Month].[$<<apliqo.T Year.T Year::Y-1>>]}

and this code (which I want to use) does NOT work, even when I copy paste the exact attribute name in:

    {[FIN Version].[FIN Version].[ACT]} *
      [T Year-Month].[T Year-Month].[$<<apliqo.T Year.T Year::Y-3>>],
      [T Year-Month].[T Year-Month].[$<<apliqo.T Year.T Year::Y-2>>],
      [T Year-Month].[T Year-Month].[$<<apliqo.T Year.T Year::Y-1>>],
      [T Year-Month].[T Year-Month].[$<<apliqo.T Year-Month Clone.T Year-Month Clone>>]
      [FIN Version].[FIN Version].[FBUD]
  } *
    {[T Year-Month].[T Year-Month].[$<<apliqo.T Year-Month Clone.T Year-Month Clone>>]}
      [FIN Version].[FIN Version].[FBUD],
      [FIN Version].[FIN Version].[WFCST]
    } *
    {[T Year-Month].[T Year-Month].[$<<apliqo.T Year.T Year>>]}
    {[FIN Version].[FIN Version].[WFCST]} *
    {[T Year-Month].[T Year-Month].[$<<apliqo.T Year.T Year::Y+1>>]}

EDIT: Couldn’t afford to be stuck on this so for now I’ve just created a new attribute called “Year plus 1” and posted the values there that were in “Y+1”. Using this new attibute in the MDX and it works fine. But man does the code seem to hate having a “+” in the attribute name!

Further to that, caching and SaveData seems to be needed. Report erroring if pick any [T Year] parameter value other than the starting 2025 for the year, even with lots of hard cache reloads. But did SaveDataAll and then some more reloads of browser and eventually it just started working with zero additional code changes. (Working on the “Year plus 1” attribute, I’ve moved on from trying to use “Y+1” for now).

This is a limitation imposed by the TM1 rest api’s enforcement of oData standards which allow only alphanumeric characters and underscore in attribute names (no white spaces, no special characters → although due to TM1’s space-insensitivity you can still get away with spaces in element names).

If only requesting a single attribute then we can get around this by requesting directly by name with quotes and escaping special characters, but if we use the single request of the entity for “all attributes” then any attribute not passing the naming convention test will be skipped and absent from the response returned by the server.

@Epistemophile , for your particular use case of the Period dimension, you could most likely getting around just using MDX functions, like LAG(n) for previous element, and LEAD(n) for next elements.
It does rely on the indexes and order to be correct, but I would say for Year Month dimension cases, it is fairly safe to use as normally these dimensions are created/maintained in the correct order with balanced structure etc…