Reduce database size with MaximumPulseDiskSpace

A client has Pulse 6 and has noticed the database size has increased to a point where they will run out of disk space soon. Per a prior Forum entry, they activated the Pulse.cfg parameter MaximumPulseDiskSpace to a value less than what the current database size is. However they now have received an alert “The Installation Folder E:\Program Files]Pulse for TM1 has a size of 34 GB, exceeding the threshold of 20GB.”

The previous Forum note seemed to indicate that if you set the parameter to a lower value, then Pulse will remove older records until it reaches the desired size but this doesn’t appear to be happening and the alert is being generated instead. Is there another step that needs to be performed to bring the DB size down first?


Hi @dwatts ,

If you changed the MaximumPulseDiskSpaceGB setting in the Pulse.cfg, then you will have to wait for the maintenance job to start. The Pulse maintenance job will execute by default each Sunday at 4:30 am. If you can’t wait for Sunday, you can change the MaintenanceJobHourInterval setting and set it to tonight.

More information about the maintenance job can be found in this article:

I hope this help,



Thanks Vincent

I have the same issue and get emails every 5 minutes that the server is over the threshhold. Since the MaintenanceJobHourInterval is a weekly thing, can I change the alerts to once a day at most?

Hi Chris,

By default, the maintenance job runs each Sunday but you can change the frequency by updating the MaintenanceJobHourInterval setting in the Pulse.cfg, more information in the following help article: Cleansing the Pulse data - Cubewise CODE



Hi @Vincent,
I already applied changes in pulse cfg file in order to “cleasing the pulse data” according to the documentation and it is working for the new but it didn´t clean the old data(elasticsearch indexes).

In the documentation: we found a reference to a console to eliminate those index manually but we couldn’t access to that console through any web browser neither local:


could please clarify how we can access the console to clean old indexes or if there is another way to achieve it?


you should restart the pulse dashboards service to enable the console. you will see it in the left side pane under the management sections:

