Read the cube value in the process widget by using the template snippet

Hi there,
It’s probably have the capability to show the cube value with snippet by tm1-ui-dbr or anything that as one of the parameter in th process widget?

I tried the code like this but it failed…

pf-label="Program Budget" required pf-label-class="col-sm-3" pf-input-class="col-sm-9">
    tm1-instance="UX Demo" 
    tm1-cube="Program Master"
    {{$ctrl.settings['UX Demo.Department.Department']}},
    {{Program 1}},
    {{Original Balance}}"


Yes this is definitely possible to pull out a value and display it with the html-before or html-after section. However, I’m not sure that the value would respond to a change in the parameter subnm selection (I would actually guess that it wouldn’t).

As an alternate design you could split to separate widgets all embedded in a dashboard.

  • a “navigation” widget to make the from/to selections (Or even just a normal grid widget with hyperlink to chnge filters enabled only showing 1st column)
  • some single cell DBR widgets to show the current values being copied/replaced
  • A embedded TI widget to run the allocation that just takes the setting service value with entry disabled from the navigation widget

Hi All you need to do is ng-if the container once you have all the dynamic values populated

ng-if="'pBUDAmount' && $ctrl.settings['UX Demo.Department.Department'] && Program 1 && Original Balance "
pf-label="Program Budget" required pf-label-class="col-sm-3" pf-input-class="col-sm-9">
    tm1-instance="UX Demo" 
    tm1-cube="Program Master"
    {{$ctrl.settings['UX Demo.Department.Department']}},
    {{Program 1}},
    {{Original Balance}}"


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Thanks for all the replys. And thanks for Alex. I found something cooler with using

            tm1-elements="{{$ctrl.settings['ApliqoFPM.FIN CoA Map.FIN OCoA']}},{{$ctrl.finalParameters[3].value}},String"