After upgrade to Pulse 6.1.0, in the Administration → Configuration, I am unable to save any changes, error is Unable to populate configuration settings.
The Pulse is currently only installed in the DEV environment for the client.
After upgrade to Pulse 6.1.0, in the Administration → Configuration, I am unable to save any changes, error is Unable to populate configuration settings.
The Pulse is currently only installed in the DEV environment for the client.
Hi @ylu ,
The upgrade is from which version?
As for the above, can you check the browser console for any errors? How about the Pulse logs?
Hi @plim Paul,
Upgrade is from 5.8 to 6.1.0.
There is no issue in the browser console. Unfortunately I can’t take a copy of the log file from Client’s server. In Pulse.log, please see the screenshot below
Hi @ylu ,
That is potentially because of an HTML markup somewhere in the Pulse.cfg.
Let us have a look further, can you help create a ticket? Please include the client’s log files, Pulse.cfg and full screenshot of that Configuration page.
Issue #3440 is created.
Hi @plim , I no longer find the issue ticket to update. Can you please have a look for me?
Hi @ylu ,
I am not sure what you meant by:
I no longer find the issue ticket to update.
There is a link above that you have posted, what do you see when you click on it? Note that you need to be logged in into the Support portal to view it.
A minor update on how the issue is now not happening anymore.
The invalid content
message on the logs is most likely due to HTML codes in the comments found within the actual tm1s.cfg file and is being flagged with the new Pulse 6 security measures in place.
Pulse 5 has been storing the full contents of the tm1s.cfg text since it has access to the file. Pulse 6 stores what the REST API provides which does not include comments. This retrieval of tm1s.cfg contents usually happens during Update Documentation.
In conclusion, once you have successfully run the Update Documentation, this issue should be resolved.