Pulse on Linux - Enable TM1Web Logging


I would like to check if there is another tool for linux to update tm1web logging now or we still need to do it manually.

Enable TM1 Web Logging to Pulse v6.x

And also noticed other tools are still in .ps1 and .bat and, should be for Windows only, so would like to check if any plan to have another tool set for Linux as well, thanks.


Hi @vhsieh,

Not at the moment, however, can you help create an ER for the above?

We can check to see if we can generate a utility for Linux as well.

If you can do so manually, then please proceed too.



Hi @plim ,

Tommy Tam helped create it as below, please check it, thanks.
Pulse on Linux - Enable TM1Web Logging (#4942) · Issues · Cubewise CODE / Pulse · GitLab