In some cases, TM1 Data server and TM1 web are installed on different machines, we installed Pulse 5 on the web server as well just for monitoring/collecting CPU/Memory usage.
Got some questions if upgrade it to pulse 6
Could I install Pulse Monitor only on web server then monitor it from the data server?
TM1 Data server and web server using the same SQL DB, will historical data of web server be “migrated” if install it as this architecture.
I would imagine that there are two servers involved? One hosting the TM1 servers, and the other one, tm1web.
Why not install it the other way around? Like, install all Pulse services on where the tm1web is, and install the Pulse Monitor only on the servers hosting TM1 servers?
As for the CPU/Memory, those are managed via the Pulse Monitor. So if you do prefer it this way, that is doable as well.
Because that is what could be a possible usual setup. Like if you have servers hosting TM1 on DEV, UAT and PROD, you can install just the Pulse Monitor on each of those servers and have one centralise Pulse Server to manage those three environments.
With Pulse 5, you need to install on each server hosting those TM1 servers. With Pulse 6 - you have the option to install Pulse Server on a server by its own or on one of the servers hosting TM1 - and install only the Pulse Monitor on each of the other environments/servers hosting the TM1 servers.
You can then now migrate between DEV, UAT and PROD through one, centralize Pulse Server.
This article should help the visualization part on why I asked about the setup of the above:
I am able to see CPU/Memory usage from data server pulse now, but seems history data of web server were not migrated to data server pulse, anything I can do to migrate web server history data to data server pulse?
Another question, will data be migrated if do it per the architecture you suggested, like data server history data be migrated to web server?
Thanks, but I have already configured it with SQL server, checked there is nothing in db(some quite old file only, could be just some data before configured SQL) and vcs(no tm1 instance on web server) folders, and for conf, I think can’t copy it to data server or data server’s will be overwritten?
The connections to that SQL Server will be retrieved via the Pulse.cfg.
To confirm, are you using a separate SQL Server database for the Pulse 5 installed on the TM1 data server and the Pulse 5 installed on the tm1web server?
Thanks, I see, missed one step, need to copy it to “migrate” folder, let me try it, and I used the same DB for data and web server, could it be a problem?
As I described before, I installed Pulse 5 on both data and web servers, and I configured the same one SQL DB(ex. PulseDB)/Server in both Pulse config.
Do you mean, on both Pulse.cfg file, the following section has the same exact entry (below is what I am using on mine only - so yours will be unique most probably)?
The databaseName parameter above is what I would like to clarify in here.
I would imagine that the entries in there, have different ServerName values, even if you have pointed both Pulse 5 servers to the same MSSQL Server (and Database).
Can you confirm on the above? As the migration plan will differ, depending on how you setup your environment.
To further help you out, are you able to post in here the information above on your Pulse.cfg for both your TM1 and tm1web servers?
Yes, both JDBURL are totally the same, the same SQL server and the same DB, that’s why I am asking, the migration process will be like migrating the same records to the same DB…? not sure if some issue in this.
Thanks for the confirmation. If that is the case and if its alright, you may be able to not need to migrate anymore. Since it is in DEV environment, you might just need to create an environment that has the same name as where your tm1web server was running.
With that, let us try this:
Get the server name on the pulse.log of the Pulse 5 server previously running on the tm1web server
The line should look something like this,
ServerHelper Server name is: XXXXXX
Create a backup of the database, TM1Pulse before proceeding further
Go into Pulse 6’s Administration > Environments page
Create an Environment pointing to that tm1web server where Pulse 6’s Monitor is running, with the name exactly as what you have retrieved from step 1
Check your server stats if it is now appearing under Reports > Performance > Server