Pulse - Excel report with change history

Hi All,
I have a requirement to generate a csv/xls report showing all the changes (TIs, rules, dimension changes) in one of the instances.

As I can find this information in Pulse already (in Change Tracking - Change History) I thought it’d be good to export it to Excel.

Has any of you managed to somehow export such a report?

Thanks in advance.
Kind Regards,

Hi @mmioduski,

You have two options, get the data from the Pulse ChangeLog table in the database (Connecting to the Pulse Database - Cubewise CODE) or get them from the GIT repository:

All of the changes are stored in a GIT repository (C:\Program Files\Pulse for TM1\vcs\git{InstanceName}). If you install GIT (https://git-scm.com/) you can use command line options to export the changes using the git log command. You can also use any of the GIT user interfaces available. Git Extensions is one of the better ones for Windows: http://gitextensions.github.io/

Whe using the command line, you need to be in the directory for the relevant instance, ie. C:\Program Files\Pulse for TM1\vcs\git{InstanceName}