Pulse daily email with specific model information.

Hello everyone,

We have a customer who wants daily email with this information from Pulse:

  • Chore start and end time
  • Duration time of chore
  • Errors in chore

Is this available in Pulse? Is there anything else beyond the system summary report?
And talking about the system summary report, is there a way to customize it?

Hi @galvarez ,

The Chore Process History is only available from the Web client or the Pulse Explorer.

Please raise an enhancement request and we’ll discuss with the team to see how we could help customers to create customer emails.



Thanks for your answer, Vincent. I will do it.

In that case, and this is an additional question related to this. Is there a way to connect with Python to Pulse and get the information we need from Kibana or Elastic?

Hi Gerardo,

Yes sure you can easily connect to the Pulse Elasticsearch using Python and get the data from the chores process history index.

I haven’t tried to connect Python to Pulse Elasticsearch, you can see an example how to connect Grafana to the Pulse Elasticsearch: https://code.cubewise.com/blog/using-grafana-with-pulse-for-tm1/

The Python script will need to be executed inside the Pulse server to be able to connect to the Pulse Elasticsearch.

I hope this help,



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