Hi all,
In Apliqo is there any way to hide a single “Global Filter” from users? I know each “Dashboard Fixed Value” has a “Hide From Toolbar” button in the GUI. I don’t see this for “Global Filters” though, neither in the GUI or the JSON options. Any known workarounds?
Is there a way to exclude an Apliqo report from inheriting a specific global variable for just one dimension so that my report defaults to the first item in the list, rather than using the global variable value in cache?
Is there a way to dynamically define a “Default Value” in a global filter so that it defaults to a value denoted by a DBRW lookup or the first element in a given subset?
I have two cascading time dimensions. Year value filters options shown in year-month. This works fine, except user wants to also have report open with a specific year-month element displaying...namely whichever element is currently in the "Relative Time - Last Month YTD" subset on that dimension.
The MDX I’ve placed in the [T Year-Month] dimension MDX to create the cascading time-dimensions is shown below. Note it includes my attempt to put the user’s preferred element top of the list and have that become the default.
{TM1SubsetToSet( [T Year-Month].[T Year-Month], “Relative Time - Last Month YTD”)},*
{TM1SUBSETALL( [T Year-Month] )}*
, ASC)}*
, “" + [}ElementAttributes_T Year].([}ElementAttributes_T Year].[Caption], [T Year].[$<<apliqo.T Year.T Year>>]) +"-MYTD*”)}*
The MDX above gives me exactly the list I need, but it doesn’t pick the first element from the list as the report default, even though I have cleared the “Default Element” property for this dimension. Instead it seems to be remembering a global default from other reports.
Simplest answer is probably to "turn off" the [$<>] variable from carrying over into this specific report. If I can do that, I'd hope my above MDX would then display the first element in the list, which is always the value I want.
Failing that, being able to include dynamic logic in the “Default Element” field could let me build a query to get the element I want. (Ideally as the first element in my subset, else a DBRW reference as second choice).
In absence of the above two options I have tried going a third option. I dropped the [T Year-Month Clone] dimension into my Global Filters. I created my “Relative Time - Last Month YTD” subset in the clone dimension, then set the MDX on the clone dimension to reference that subset, displaying only a single element, which is the one I want. I then took the [$<<apliqo.T Year-Month Clone.T Year-Month Clone>>] variable and set that as the default in my [T Year-Month] dimension and I finally have a cascading list with the correct default! However… I now have this nasty [T Year-Month Clone] dimension in my toolbar that I need to hide. I’ve tried creating an empty Toolbar Popup, using the JSON in that popup to point to a custom HTML file, then setting some dummy CSS in that file to see if I am hooking the filter I want to hide. But my test CSS isn’t registering, so now I’ve come to the forums.