I performed a migration from instance “PF” to “Contabilidad” including a TI Process that is using ODBC data source. After migration was completed, I opened the TI on destination instance(Contabilidad) but the preview data failed…
All ODBC’s are available for all instances but I think there’s something wrong with credentials…
The ODBC’s were set with service account (the account that’s running tm1 service) credentials.
When I am executing the migration from PF to Contabilidad, Pulse ask me for ODBC credentials and show me my own credetencial as default:
Have you tried manually updating the TI process’ credentials part?
How was the TI process originally setup with the service account? To clarify, was it originally created / setup by not providing a username and credential information?
Are you able to manually fix the issue? What were the steps that you have done?
I can´t manually update the credentials beacuase I don’t have access to that password. Admin Server originally set the ODBC to use the service account credentials. I just have to select the ODBC and leave in blank the user and password and it works pretty well on instance “PF”
create a package from instance “PF” including the TI.
execute the migration package on instance “Contabilidad”
As Pulse show the odbc connection with my own credetencial(as you can see in picture attached), I cleaned user/password fields because ODBC is not working with my credentials.
After complete the migration I just open the TI on instance “Contabilidad” and the preview fails.
It would be interesting to see if you get the same error when creating a new process manually in the target instance.
Could you please try to create a new process in the target instance Contabilidad, enter the data source information, and click the preview button to see if you get the same error?
I was trying that yesterday and got the same error when creating new process in Contabilidad. It looks like credentials are diferent for each instances… I am consulting to the adminserver to confirm… in case yes, the problem wouldn’t be the pulse migration package.