Multiple TM1 instances data migration parallelly.

Hi team,

I recently updated my Pulse application from v5.8.0 to v6.0.5 and I am in the process of migrating data. So could you please suggest me what is the best/ fastest way to migrate data?

  • Currently I am following the process given on this page and it is very slow, in case of one instance it’s been around 13-14 hrs and the migration is still in progress.

  • Also by following the same process given in the link, can we migrate data for multiple instances at once or do we need to migrate for one instance, let the process finish and then start the process for the other instance?


Hi @Atindra ,

The migration needs to be done for each TM1 server where Pulse 5 was installed. If you have a server A where you have 10 TM1 instances and Pulse 5 installed. If you want to migrate the Pulse 5 data from server A into a new server B where Pulse 6 is installed, you just need to do the migration once. The migration will get the Pulse data for all TM1 instances at the same time.

I hope this help,



I have multiple TM1 servers having multiple instances inside it. So can start the migration of data of server A and server B both having multiple tm1 instances in it parallelly or do it let server A migrate completely and then only start migration of server B?

It is safer to do one server at a time, so first server A and then server B.

ok, thanks.
Also is there any way to check the progress of migration? Currently I can only see this on the web client which does not provide any information.

Hi @Atindra ,

Not on the web page, but you can check or tail the pulse.log file to see which table is it processing now.

For DB migration, you will find messages such as Migrating <table-name> over there.

As an example for tailing with a PowerShell, I usually keep on eye on pulse.log file via the following command:

Get-Content “C:\Program Files\Pulse for TM1\logs\pulse.log” -Wait -Tail 30



Hi @plim / @Vincent ,

Could you please help me with how to rerun the data migration?

Actually for one of the server, the data migration was on-going for the last 15-16 hours and there were no new logs related to migration in the log file also for the past 3 hours. So I restarted the Pulse services and started the data migration again but after that I am getting the following Error in the log file.

"Unable to copy record 12944 in table ChangeLog: SQL [insert into [ChangeLog] ([ServerName], [ServiceName], [CommitId], [CommitTime], [Author], [AuthorDisplayName], [Committer], [Message], [Changes], [FormattedChanges], [Insertions], [Deletions]) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)]; Cannot insert duplicate key row in object ‘dbo.ChangeLog’ with unique index ‘idx_ChangeLog’. The duplicate key value is (sample data)"

What should I do in this case?


Hi @Atindra ,

If you have restarted the migration, then the above only means that it was trying to re-insert the same record.

You can ignore the above error as it just means that the record above was already inserted before and it was just throwing out an error as it cannot insert duplicates.

You will see a lot more of the above, depending on how far it was able to insert records last time when it was stopped.



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So it will just check the records one by one and once it finds unique records, it will continue with the normal migration process?

Hi @Atindra ,

Its not that it is checking it one by one, but it is more of the database’ behaviour when you are trying to insert a record that violate its primary keys or unique indexes.

The Pulse system data migration involves copying records from source database to target database, by table.

It does not check if it is there or not. The database determines whether it can insert the record or not, depending on the primary keys or unique indexes setup to that table.

it will continue with the normal migration process?

Yes. It will just proceed to the next record to insert if it encounters the above error. After all the records on the source table has been copied, it will moved to the next table.



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Cool, Thanks.