Memory, Disk, User License Usage Report in Pulse


Is it possible to extract a report in Pulse showing the usage for Memory, Disk and User License/Login by Month for the past 2 years?

The client would like to use this to plan for server sizing and license renewal.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @mmejia ,

All this information is available in the Pulse database and the Pulse Explorer.

  • Memory, Disk is available in the Pulse - Server Analysis dashboard in the Pulse Explorer

If you want to build a custom report to gather everything into one dashboard then you have two options:

I hope this help,



Hi Jr @mmejia ,

In addition to Vincent’s note, we do have an option to change the axis format using custom Interval option (1m, 2m, 3m and so on for every month)

I am sorry but due to limitation Kibana doesn’t have an option to change the axis format or to move the axis text position.

Thanks !
