I want to create a dynamic subset for my Sicil(personal list) dimension. I have a personal info cube which contains department info for each personal. In my cube there is no department dimension. But, i add it in apliqo view. And basically, i just want to list my Sicil(personal list) dimension according to my department selection.
I tried this MDX first;
{TM1SubsetToSet( [Sicil],
"$<<IK_Planlama.Departman.Departman>>" = "Tum Birimler",
"Toplam Altı N Seviye",
"UX Personel"
However it doesn’t work. Because i used “$<<>>” phrases in “UX Personel” subset.
Then i tried this MDX;
"$<<IK_Planlama.Departman.Departman>>"= "Tum Birimler",
{TM1SubsetToSet( [Sicil], "Toplam Altı N Seviye")},
{TM1SUBSETALL( [Sicil] )},
[IK Personel Bilgileri].([Yil].[$<<IK_Planlama.Yil.Yil>>],[Ay].[$<<IK_Planlama.Ay.Ay>>],[Versiyon].[$<<IK_Planlama.Versiyon.Versiyon>>],[Personel Bilgileri m].[Departman Final Kod],[Sicil].CurrentMember) = "$<<IK_Planlama.Departman.Departman>>"
But it doesn’t work too. I’m not sure, if i used IIF function properly.
Am i missing something or is there any work around solution for this case?
Thanks in advance.