Login hanging in canvas

We have an issue in Canvas where if the web server is restarted or if you close the page and come back to it after a while, it will hang at a canvas url with our cam passport showing in it. It never redirects back to canvas home or the page you are trying to get to once it gets to this spot. It is very easy for us to reproduce. I don’t know if you would like to just do a webex to show it and the reporting problem we are having also? Just let me know.

The image is from the mid update we had, but the issue is the same in the new version.

Thank you,

Hi @chet_watkins,

Do you mean when you close and open the page with the CAM_Passport in the URL before and after?

That may look like a bug. Please contact your Cubewise local office to help you create a ticket and to help setup a Webex for this to help us gather more information on this.
