Global filter values refreshing on chart/map click

Hi all,

I noticed a seemingly incomplete synchronization between interactive charts (e.g., map) and other objects on a dashboard. Not sure if there’s something I’m not doing properly (or by design) but I’ve tried with a few different models and also noticed this behavior on the latest v2.1.1 demo.

Let’s use the v2.1.1 demo as an example. In the interactive map widget, a user can click on a country which refreshes the global filters. The table widget updates with details filtered by the country selected on the map. However, the global filters on the toolbar still shows the default selection (rather than the country selected). Furthermore, any widget titles using $<> does not refresh either.

I’ve tried enabling/disabling “Hyperlink to change Filters” which doesn’t seem to make a difference for the chart. Clicking on links for a grid table seems to have similar behavior (i.e., global filters not updating but fixed global values do update if they are not hidden). Not sure if the global filters are meant to stay fixed regardless of any filter changes triggered through the graphs/tables?

Default on initial load:

Upon clicking Brazil on the map (note that “Region” filter stays on World):

$<> variable in widget title (title on table still refers to “World” instead of “Brazil”)

Thanks in advance for your help!

Hi @tganz
I’m pretty sure that this is exactly the issue noted on Trello

@wwang No need to raise new issue for this as this is already planned for next week’s sprint.

Hi @wwang,

Do you have a “default selection” on your global parameter (Region)?

This should by design work as you explained if you do not define a “default selection” in the dimensions on global filters.

@cw-ch-scott I don’t think I have this issue but will double check.

Default value dictates the value set when navigating to the page. If on the page then the filter bar and any widget titles listening for change in settings service values should all be updated when the selection is changed by clicking on a map area if this is activated (same way that it should work when this feature is activated for clicking on row titles).

Thanks a lot for your very quick replies on this guys! I deleted the default value and the filter now updates when clicking on the map.

I have a quick followup question. When the page initially loads (if the default is left blank), it appears to default to the first N-Level element in the dropdown. However, is there a way so it defaults to the very first element in the subset/MDX? Often, we may want the initial page load to default to a higher C-Level so the grid tables pull a high-level view.

Quick update, I figured out how to default to the C-Level element. As long as both the dropdown and the map widget are using the same subset, the dropdown picks up the first element as the default on initial page load. If the map widget does not have the C-Level element in the subset, it will default to the first matching N-Level element. Adding the C-Level element has no impact on the map widget since it doesn’t have a CountryCode attribute.

Thanks again for the help!

If the element selection value is left blank then on opening the page it will default to the current value in the settings service (that is the last selection set on filter for the dimension in question from a previous screen) … provided that the value from the settings service is a member of the subset or MDX used to define the subnm list. If the value fro the settings service isn’t in the list then it fill with the first member of the list.

If the model that the UX on has the parts of the apliqode framework configured correctly then you can also set default values per user for all filter dimension values which will be applied when the user logs in.

  • Global default values are set in the cube }APQ Dimension Defaults against the measure Default_Member (actually a TI process “guesses” against the measure Automatic Default and you can manually enter against Default Override if the TI guess isn’t correct and Default_Member is rule driven)
  • To set values per user different from the global default this is done in the cube }APQ Picklist Dimension against the intersection of dimension name, user name and the measure Default Report Selection

Global default values
Personal default values (this is also what you see when dropping down in the top right of UX screen from your user name)

You also probably notice that the list of dimensions for which the initial settings service value is set on login is a subset called General Ledger Dimensions in }APQ Dimensions. This is a very old hangover from the initial FPM model and can be overwritten but for example in the standard demo model this is still used by default.

Great, thanks a lot for the detailed explanation on setting default values globally and by user! I had been wondering about the dropdown under the user name but it makes since now that is linked to the “}APQ Picklist Dimension” cube. Thanks again for your help in explaining!