Formula referencing column header

Perhaps this is a future enhancement request but is there a way to reference the column header when using UX formulas? For example, if I write a DBRW formula on an inserted row, I want the ability to reference the Version dimension (on the columns). I’ve tried using “D0” and also “$<<UX_Demo.Version.Version>>” but neither seem to work.

Hi @wwang

It isn’t currently possible to reference column header values in DBRW formulas. Row headers are possible since the row header is “column A” in the handsontable body (and columns B, C etc. if there are stacked row dimensions). However the column headers are in a separate object. We are aware and agree that this is a significant limitation in the formula implementation and it is on the list to be addressed. We can’t commit to a timeframe right now though. When implemented the header value will most likelly be represented by something like B0, C0, …

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Thanks for the explanation @cw-ch-scott ! Hope to see it in UX in the future!

Hey guys, revisiting this topic… any update on it? :slight_smile:

@cw-ch-scott is referencing col headers still not possible?
This would be really helpful to have…

One of my cases now, I have a report with periods on the columns, and I would like to do a different background color on the columns for certain periods, like past months, etc…


Hi @rmazziero
No this still isn’t possible. All I can tell you is that it is on the roadmap.