formula reference and picklist in Apliqo for rows and columns

Hi guys,

is it possible to get the picklist when using formula references in Apliqo UX with rows and columns?

We are using the Apliqo UX-version 2024.09

Thank you in advance.

With best regards,

Hi @Vitalij

I don’t really understand your question or what it is that you want to do.

Apliqo UX will provide the picklist as defined in the TM1 model. In addition you could define a custom picklist for cells which don’t have picklist assigned in the TM1 model in the advanced options using MDX and the MDX can contain variable references.

Hello @cw-ch-scott,

maybe i was not very precise.
I have a view with different elements in the row and column and the picklist is available.

I inserted a new column to get dynamic names for different use cases for a special selection.
It is also fine.
For this new column I’m using now the dbrw-formula to get the values for these new cells.
I’m getting the values, however, not the valid picklist.

So, if I’m using the “normal” view, with no calculated columns, there is a picklist.
If I’m using a new calculated column with the same tuple, I only get the value itself, however, not with the valid picklist in it. Maybe I oversee sth?

I hope, I could explain it better now.

Thank you in advance.

With best regards

Any time you use an inserted row or column in a UX view and populate the values with a custom formula then by definition we assume that the cells are reference values and are read only. This also applies to DBRW formulas which as they are read only also don’t display a picklist or allow data entry.

Rather than using an inserted column with DBRW maybe you can join multiple views in a single table to get the layout that you want. Then picklist and data entry will work.

If you need the DBRW formula to be writeable then this would be a enhancement request as this isn’t currently supported.

thank you very much for your answer @cw-ch-scott.

For now, I’m not sure, if it is possible or useable to use the multiple views for our use case as we need dynamic names for the titles. But we try.

How can we do the enhancement request for the writeable DBRW-formula?

You can make enhancement request or bug report at apliqoc3ux / apq-c3-ux / issues — Bitbucket?

thank you for the link.
I created the enhancement now.
I’m not sure if the milestone and the version are right.

Milestone is added by us.
Version is only needed for bug report not ER.

thank you very much!