Epilog error when upgrading the version 2023.05 FP1

I am facing the following error when I run the process:}APQ.UX.Server.Upgrade for version upgrade (2023.05 FP1)

Error: Epilog procedure line (1225): Cube “Attribute Cube” Not Found

Please advise. Thanks.


I had this issue too. I found adding the cube }elementattributes_}APQ UX App EditChanges Rule Calc Measure.cub solved the issue.

The cube can be created by adding an attribute to the }APQ UX App EditChanges Rule Calc Measure dimension. Any attribute will do. We just want to prompt the server to create the cube. Stopping the instance. Copy the }ElementAttributes_}APQ UX App EditChanges Rule Calc Measure.dim from the release package. Restarting the instance. Re-run the }APQ.UX.Server.Upgrade again.

Hi Adam,
Thanks for your reply. I found that there is no attribute called Caption in the APQ UX App EditChanges Rule Calc Measure.dim. I added and run the process:}APQ.UX.Server.Upgrade again and it works. Thanks.
