Does Slice deal with localization?

We have a customer requirement in an Excel financial statement report to be able to switch display languages. In the backend TM1 is handling localization the (default) EN Description in }ElementAttributes and all other locales in }LocalizedElementAttributes and this works based on the user’s browser locale setting in PAW or Apliqo UX.

Does Slice also handle localization automatically based on Excel’s locale setting? (If yes is there any way to override this is the user wants to display the report in English even if their local is non-English?) Or is the only way to do this with IF logic in formulas to either use specific (non-localized attributes per locale) or else query the }LocalizedElementAttributes cube directly?

Hi Scott,

Currently what you see in Excel is what is retrieved from TM1. There is currently no way to overwrite the language sent back by TM1.

Please feel free to raise an enhancement request: Issues · Cubewise CODE / Arc and Slice · GitLab



Thanks Vincent,

But then I still have the unanswered question does Slice pass the locale in the header of the rest query? So will the server be returning the localized values (if they exist) or the “standard” values?

Slice does not add the local language to the functions, it will just get what TM1 sends back.