I’ve tried defining some custom CSS styles in the custom-style.css sheet but they aren’t being applied (after clearing the cache and refreshing the page).
For example, I’m trying to get column headers to wrap so I’ve added the following:
.handsontable th {
white-space: normal !important;
but this doesn’t change anything.
I’ve then tried to add it to a specific class (which has already been defined and is being used in a grid) but this also doesn’t get applied:
.handsontable .ibcs-var {
white-space: normal !important;
font-weight: lighter;
Can someone please let me know what I’m doing wrong?
Thanks Adam, that’s done it. Another thing I didn’t realise is that we have to restart the Apliqo Application Server for the customer-style.css changes to take effect.
It is not necessary to restart the ApliqoServer for changes to the _custom.css to be applied. A browser page reload should do the trick. If that does not work, open the developer tools in the browser, right-click on the page reload button as select “Empty Cache and Hard Refresh”.
For some reason the custom-style.css is only being applied after restarting the Apliqo Server service. I tried your suggested alternative but a service restart is the only thing that works.