custom-style.css Not Being Applied

Hello Experts,

I’ve tried defining some custom CSS styles in the custom-style.css sheet but they aren’t being applied (after clearing the cache and refreshing the page).

For example, I’m trying to get column headers to wrap so I’ve added the following:

.handsontable th {
  white-space: normal !important;

but this doesn’t change anything.

I’ve then tried to add it to a specific class (which has already been defined and is being used in a grid) but this also doesn’t get applied:

.handsontable .ibcs-var {
  white-space: normal !important;
  font-weight: lighter;

Can someone please let me know what I’m doing wrong?


Hi David,

I assume you are trying to word-wrap the table headers. Try,

.handsontable tr:first-child th {
    white-space: normal;
    vertical-align: middle;

grid-table .handsontable th.stripe {
    white-space: normal;
    vertical-align: middle;
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Thanks Adam, that’s done it. Another thing I didn’t realise is that we have to restart the Apliqo Application Server for the customer-style.css changes to take effect.


Hi David,

It is not necessary to restart the ApliqoServer for changes to the _custom.css to be applied. A browser page reload should do the trick. If that does not work, open the developer tools in the browser, right-click on the page reload button as select “Empty Cache and Hard Refresh”.


Hi Adam,

For some reason the custom-style.css is only being applied after restarting the Apliqo Server service. I tried your suggested alternative but a service restart is the only thing that works.

Any ideas as to what may be causing this?


Did you ever find out exactly how to apply it when the hard refresh and cache clearing didnt work?

Hi @JRo, we didn’t unfortunately, a service restart is still the only thing that works for us.

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