I am not sure whether we can do below kind of charting in Canvas?
If yes, please advise how?
If no, can we consider adding to Canvas functionality?
1)Line + Bar Chart, It is very common requirement having the 2nd Y-axis, e.g. Profit/Revenue as Grouped Bar (or) Stacked Bar, where the GP% as line series using the 2nd Y-axis. like below:
2)Sparkling chart, the key point is be able to embed in a table, like below (a sample from C3, so we know it is totally archivable in Canvas, just need to find out how).
None of these is part of Canvas. However, it is relatively easy to implement:
For Bar+Line chart, check Angular-nvD3
This library comes with Canvas. Check how they do those charts in JSFiddle. So all you have to do is to create MDX query and process received data in the way required by the chart you want to display.