Automated killing on long-running threads

Just curious to hear if there was anything on the Pulse roadmap related to the automated terminating of certain running threads. Pulse does a great job in identifying (and emailing us) when a thread is running past defined time thresholds. This will trigger us to go into Pulse and make a judgement call on whether to kill the culprit thread. In most cases, we will manually use the Pulse UI to terminate the thread that has been running the longest and potentially causing a lock.

It would seem that these steps could be further automated by having Pulse automatically send the request to terminate a specific thread that runs past a defined time threshold. Obvious the parameters around the “kill” threshold would need to be customizable/robust (e.g., non-system threads > 30 min) to avoid unintentional terminating threads.

Interested to hear if anyone else has seen a need for this and happy to put in an enhancement request!

Hi @weiview,

Which version of Pulse are you using? The current Cancel threads has these filters,


Which should help with the above scenario.



We have this config in our client and it works perfectly:

Thanks guys, I totally missed this feature! (I hadn’t looked closely at all the alert types since I had thought that Alerts only contained email alerts)

Is there any documentation on the syntax that can be used in the “Filter” field? From @monder example, it handles all MDX queries taking > 60 seconds (likely to be triggered by users in Arc/Apliqo creating large cube views). Is this essentially a wildcard field that checks if the “Function” column contains the text string? For example, if we want to cancel a particular TI that runs over XX seconds, we can put something like:


Hi @weiview,

On the above, yes. It is automatically interpreted as like a wild card field.

