Arc - What exactly is the Caption language setting supposed to do?

OK, I’ve scanned through as many help documents and blogs and service requests, but I cannot find any reference to this. What exactly is this setting supposed to do?


I don’t see any changes anywhere, no matter what it’s set to.

Curious minds and all that…

Hi @AlanKirk,

It uses the TM1 caption attribute for cubes, dimensions, processes, etc.

I.e. if your cube name is very technical “FIN HR 01P” and you used the caption attribute to display a more user-friendly name like “Human Resources Plan”, you can toggle on the “use caption” to display them on Arc. I think PAW does it by default.

Current caption language is related to TM1 localization.

If you are not using the caption attribute then nothing would change when you toggle it on/off.


To elaborate on @Ulas 's answer you do this by creating the caption attribute with the TI functions

  • CubeAttrInsert
  • DimensionAttrInsert
  • etc.

which will create a }CubeAttributes, }DimensionAttributes, etc. cube. Then by using CubeAttrPutS and specifying a locale the }LocalizedCubeAttributes cube would be created. So if you want to see italian captions for your objects, knock your socks off.

There is no GUI for doing this, only TI functions.

PA Workspace will show the object captions by default which is good for end users but less so for developers.

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Thanks Scott,

Actually Arc has a Localization module to help you create all these control objects, you will find it under Administration as below:




Thank you all.

Actually I was talking about the “native” IBM interfaces :wink:
Nice to know that Arc has something for this even if IBM don’t.

Not… QUITE nothing as it turns out, but this is really bizarre.

After the discussion above I figured “OK, I’ll just ignore it, we aren’t using the caption here at least.”

As a result, I had just left it set to Italian.

On some dimensions I store a serial date (I use Excel serial dates on this server) indicating when the element was last updated.

In a TI process I was looping through some dimensions to pull that date and write it to a log file, like so:

dblTimeUpdated = AttrN(sDim, sElt, SC_ATTR_UPDATED);
#... other stuff
sUpdateTime = 'Which was updated on ' | NumberToString(dblTimeUpdated) | ', ' | TIMST(dblTimeUpdated, '\D \M \Y') ;
ASCIIOutput(sLogPurge, sName, sUpdateTime);

This came out as:
,"Which was updated on 44664,461863426, 13 APR 2022"

Wait, what, why is there a comma between the date and time components?

{Light dawns…} It’s not a comma, it’s a virgola.

Nothing was set to Italian other than the Caption Language in Arc, and sure enough when I changed the Caption Language back to Browser Default, refreshed the page and re-ran the process I got:

"Which was updated on 44664.461863426, 13 APR 2022"

A good old Anglo decimal point appears.

I changed the Caption language back to Italian, and a virgola appears again. (I didn’t update the process in between.)

This isn’t actually a problem, but it’s a bit odd since the running of the process and the Ascii file generation should be completely server side; it shouldn’t have any idea about my client settings.

Still, it was interesting.