I don’t think that this is a bug in Arc, it’s more likely to be to do with the API.
I created a process in Arc using a cube view as the source. I tested it out, running it from Arc. It successfully completed and did everything that it was supposed to do.
I created a websheet and put an action button on it, then selected all of the parameters using what IBM passes off as a range picker, but let’s not get started on that.
I click the button and… “Process Failed”.
OK, whhhyyyy, exactly?
I simulate running the process by copying all of the parameters, pasting them into Arc, and… it ran fine.
Went back to the Action Button… “Process Failed”.
Long story short, I opened the process in Perspectives and looked at the parameters, then closed it down. At that point Perspectives asked if I wanted to save changes, except… WHAT changes? I didn’t touch the thing. Didn’t visit the Variables tab, didn’t change a line of code. And I had made sure that I had saved the code (and that the save succeeded) in Arc before I opened Perspectives.
Nonetheless I said yes, went back to the websheet and THIS time the action button ran as expected.
So presumably Perspectives is still making some change that Arc / the API isn’t (in some circumstances at least), but having burnt way too much time on this already I don’t currently have the time to chase down the root cause of this.
In case anyone else encounters this, though, at least there is a workaround.