Apliqo UX - Vertical Size of Dashboard Widget


I have a UX dashboard with two grid widgets. The top widget has a lot of white space below it, so much that the horizontal scrollbar can’t been seen. Is there a way to limit the white space? It’s deceptive as it makes you think there is no other widget below.


Hi @R.B
This is in the cardConfig section of the widget advanced options. The default value if height isn’t configured is 840 pixels. Which on a full HD monitor accounting for browser header and our own headers toolbar and filter bar should equate to the widget filling the rest of the vertical space in the screen.
To set the height of the widget to only half of the default height just add the following to the widget advanced options.

    "cardConfig": {
        "height": "420",
        "showTopBorder": true,
        "shouldShowTitlesSeparator": true,
        "showSpinner": false,
        "subTitle": false,
        "showFooter": false,
        "footer": {
          "showFilterInFooter": false,
          "iconClass": "",
          "text": "",
          "callBackFn": "",
          "href": ""

Hi @cw-ch-scott

Thanks, that worked for me.