Apliqo UX User delete


We want to sync users with TM1, Framework and Apliqo UX. And, as I checked from the forum to delete user we can use “}bedrock.security.client.delete” process and also framework part there is a process which updated the }APQ Clients dimension from }Clients dimension (even for deleting user it works).

When we come to the Apliqo UX part, added user being syncronized with TM1. But, when we delete user from TM1 and Framework, it is not being deleted from CS’s }APQ UX Client dimension.

Is there a set up for sync with TM1 or a process (maybe I couldnt find) to delete user from CS }APQ UX Client dimension ?

Kind Regards,

Hi @AliUgur
In the CS instance you can use the processes

  • }APQ.UX.Security.Manual.Client.Create
  • }bedrock.security.client.delete

Which is there for this purpose.

Also if xou have the metadata syncing set up then the users in CS will be automatically synced to the main data source instance at whatever interval you have the sync set up.