Apliqo UX cell formatting questions


A few questions on cell formatting in Apliqo UX.

  1. I would like to apply conditional formatting to the whole view. Do I need to apply it for every column individually or is there a way to apply it to all columns / the whole view?

  2. Similar to the above question, I would like to apply a different number format to the whole view e.g. display zeros as dashes. Do I need to apply it for every column individually or is there a way to apply it to all columns / the whole view?

  3. Unrelated to the above questions, I would like to apply conditional formatting to a single column in a view where I have stacked dimensions in the columns (e.g. I have stacked version and month in the view and only want the conditional formatting to apply to the Forecast, Total Year column, not all the Forecast columns or all the Total Year columns). Is it possible to specify just the single column (the intersection of two column dimensions)? Currently, the formatting seems to apply to all the columns where the element appears.


@R.B , all three are possible in UX:

  1. Instead of specifying a column/row name, just leave it blank it and it will apply to the entire table:
"columnFormat": {
      "": [
          "attribute": "UX Col Style"
  1. “numberFormat” should also work using the same tip as (1)
  2. You can “join” using '* , e.g., “A * B” should format only the intersection of elements A and B

Thanks @wwang, that makes sense.

A follow up question, I need to format one column in a table as percentages to one decimal place, and the rest of the table as normal numbers with no decimal places. Is there a way that I can specify the format to apply to the one specific column and a blank one to apply to the others? In one view I seem to get the required result but in another I don’t. Is there a specific order I need to apply them?


It should work if you have two arrays with the blank one coming after the specific columns. However, I’ve only done this with “className” so not sure if works the same w/ numberFormat:

"columnFormat": {
   "Column A": [
             "className": "CSS 1"
   "": [
             "className": "CSS 2"

And all of this is possible via the new GUI.

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I have something similar. I have some conditional formatting for some columns, but with regard to the numberFormat it is set up with the principle of specific columns first and then the blank one last. Strange thing is it works in one view, but not another.

I know this is an old topic, but I’m trying to do something very similar.

I’m on Apliqo Version: 2021.07 FP1 and trying use the JSON to format all columns (including expandable/collapsible columns) to zero decimal places format. (Note: We are upgrading to latest version next week, but this request is urgent from an Executive).

Apliqo seems to be ignoring all my requests to modify numberFormat. It always just uses the the “Format” attribute setting from TM1.

I can’t change the TM1 format attribute as analysts need decimals for analysis. For Apliqo reports though, Executives want those decimals gone.

I know sometimes I actually make the right changes in Apliqo and it takes multiple refreshes until I see them apply. But after trying various attempts in the JSON, with multiple full cache reloads… I’m not seeing Apliqo respond in any way.

I’ve tried all sorts of variations off JSON to get the numbers formatted to integers… but Apliqo just laughs at me and ignores me every single time. Any advice on where I should modify the below JSON to get my columns as integers?:

Ok… so the answer was to do what I was already doing… except add the blank column formatting first apparently (not sure if that made a difference) and also specify numberFormat property on each of the named columnFormat items individually.

I swear I had tried a version of it that way… but must have done something stupid. Anyway, it looks good now.

@R.B, Sorry I Know it’s an old topic. I have similar issue as number 3 but not sure how’s the code look like?
Could you please give me example of the code?


@New if by “3” you are referring to:

You can specify a combination of two stacked column elements by putting " * " between the two element names (e.g., “ElementA*ElementB”)