Apliqo UX - 2021.11 adhoc Column Sample not working


I just installed 2021.11 FP1 and planning to demo it to a client on Friday.

I was trying out the adhoc column feature but I keep getting an error whenever I click on the Add column button, Edit button or remove column button.

For example, when i tried to update one of the column’s Year reference, i get the following error.

When i tried to add a new column, i get the following error:

Is there something I’m doing wrong?

The TM1 server is

Follow the following syntax on the first dimension in the columns
{ {......}*{......},{......}*{......},{......}*{......} }

{ {[Year].[Year].[2016]}*{[Version].[Version].[Budget]},
{[Year].[Year].[2007]}*{[Version].[Version].[Forecast]}  }

You have to many “{ }” at the end

But that’s auto generated by UX. I just click the buttons

You will need advancedoption configure defaults