We’ve received the request from a security team about suspicious activities related to the Apliqo installation folder. There was executed cmd line which consists bin\validator.exe and conf\Licence.xml
What could be a reason for the execution of this type of command line? Is there some schedule for these tasks?
Windows Server 2019
Apliqo UX 2021.07 FP1
No need to worry.
This is how ApliqoUX and Canvas does its license validation.
License.xml is the license file and validator.exe is the executable used to verify the current license status.
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@srichardson thank you for your answer.
If it isn’t a commercial secret, could you share details about timing? Is it related to some schedule or to the user activities?
I believe it is run when starting the Apliqo Server and on user interaction with the server.
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Please let me add how to run it, in case of need to check the license (also next time if we have to run it, we’ll find out here this reminder to do it
a. Open a cmd as an admin preferable
b. Go to the “apliqoUX installation”/bin/ folder
c. Run the command validator.exe -product APLIQOUX -path “path to the license.xml file”
As a result, you will receive license information see below
There is a validator log, but sometimes there is no information, and also could be in the Apliqo UX logs, but in my experience not always appear information, not sure why.
I hope it is useful