Accessing toast notifications from custom js functions

We are looking for a way to integrate with the UX toast notification system.

Notifications.message("info", "", "actual data is loading", !1)

The short term plan was to pop relevant notifications when a filter was mutated. We were going to embed this in the jsfunctions-filterbar.service.js. Before we head down this road I wanted to see if anyone has been successful doing something similar.


Hi @rdclapp ,

I did a small POC long time ago using the toast notifications.
The idea was to do a validation on the input numbers in the grid, It would pop a notification if the numbers entered were outside the range, and the number wouldn’t be input in the cube.
I used the Custom hook functions, beforeCellUpdate for this, likely you can do similar on the filterbar functions.
It worked great! :slight_smile:


Hi Rodrigo,
This is Hakan from SupplyFocus team. I saw your reply and checked the hook function “beforeCellUpdate” which is great but i need some directions to expand the usage. We would like to use your solution in Supplyfocus so is it possible to send me a sample code that you have created for the PoC or can we setup a meeting in anytime you are available to talk about this? Thank you, great job.


Hi @hakyuz,
Thanks! Sure, happy to help with what I have. I also had the help of Ilia @ishapiro on this one at the time.

Ok, below are the details, for anyone interested. :slight_smile:

The code was done in the file …\apq-c3-custom\js\custom-hook-functions.service.js

  1. First, add the Notifications to the Class for the custom hook functions:

  1. Create a function or use the same as existing “beforeCellUpdate” , the full code of the function, with some comments:
    Note in this code I have a 2 dim cube that I first get the allowed amount ranges, to then do the checks for each input.
    beforeCellUpdate(table, requests) {

        // this.$log.debug('beforeCellUpdate hook called', requests);
        // return Promise.resolve({});
        let currentRequestArrayIndexToRemove = [];
        let allowed_val;
        let allowed_val_min;

        // Get allowed amounts from cube
        return this.$tm1Ui.cellsetGet([{ instance: 'UX_Demo', cube: 'Sales Quota', cubeElements: ['Budget', 'Min Allowed'] }
            , { instance: 'UX_Demo', cube: 'Sales Quota', cubeElements: ['Budget', 'Max Allowed'] }]).then((val) => {
                allowed_val_min = val[0].Value
                allowed_val = val[1].Value

                console.log("VALUES ALLOWED: ", allowed_val_min, allowed_val);

                /** Check each entry if value is between range, flag otherwise  */ 
                requests.forEach((request, index) => {
                    let currentVal = (request.value + '').split(',').join('')
                    // console.log("value: " + currentVal);

                    if (Number(currentVal) < allowed_val_min || Number(currentVal) > allowed_val) {
                    } else {

                /** For each flagged "wrong" input, remove it from request of cube update, and do notification */
                for (var i = currentRequestArrayIndexToRemove.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    if (currentRequestArrayIndexToRemove[i] === true) {
                        let input_val = requests[i].value;
                        //Remove value from request, so it does not update cube
                        requests.splice(i, 1);

                        this.Notifications.message("danger", "Input Validation", "Value '" + input_val + "' entered is Invalid, amount allowed is between " + allowed_val_min + " and " + allowed_val + "!", false)
                if (requests.length === 0) {
                    this.$rootScope.$broadcast('updateTable', { "viewKey": table.key, tableId: table.tableId });
                return Promise.resolve({ success: true });
  1. At the end of the custom hook functions file, add the “Notifications” to the list so it can return to the app and the notification works.

  2. Finally, in the UX report View or grid widget you want to do this check, add the function on the
    BeforeCellUpdate functions:

after that, when entering a number, it will do this check and do a notification if the value is out of the allowed range. It will work with 1 single entry or multiple ones, like below:

Hope this helps! let me know you need any more details or would like to setup a call for a chat on this. :slight_smile:


Amazing thanks. I will test this and let you know. :man_dancing:

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Awesome detailed explanation.:slight_smile:
For initial question @rdclapp you can implement the similar logic with in the jsfunctions-filterbar.service.js