$stateProvider routing in canvas


What is the correct way to add your own custom routing states into the canvas framework?

Specifically where and how does one add:

  • a ‘normal’ page route (for example a dashboard page)
  • a child ‘shell’ page (for example you have a dashboard url, with “sub” sections…/dahsboard/section1/)
  • default page (for example, when the url is incorrect, the page which should be displayed)

Normally I would use something like the below screenshot:


Hi @gpool,

Checkout the User Menu Management link via http://<your_canvas_app>/admin console of your application.

You can create this (MainMenu with a SubMenu):

To do that, go the User Management Menu, click on the menu that you wanted to move and click the Move button as below:

Click on the Save button afterwards.

Then go to your page and see the new menu.

Let me know how it goes.


Many thanks Paul!
