# The port number you will access Arc on, i.e. http://locahost:7070 or http://servername:7070 portno: 7070 # A list of admin hosts that Arc will connect to determine TM1 instances that are available. # By default Arc will connect to the admin host running on the local computer. # By default TM1 Admin Host has a REST API running on port 5988 (https) # You can test access to the admin host by typing https://localhost:5898/api/v1/Servers in to # your browser. # Example: # adminhosts: # - https://localhost:5898 # - https://anotherserver:5898 adminhosts: - https://mymachine.mycompany.com:5898 # Connections allow you to connect directly to a TM1 REST API bypassing the admin host. # It can be used connect to any open REST API whether it is on-premise or in the cloud. # Make sure that you can access the API by testing with your browser by appending to # your base URL /api/v1/$metadata, for example: https://remoteserver.com:8882/api/v1/$metadata # /api/v1 is appended automatically to your url. If you are using a proxy or need to specify # the full path add isfullpath: true on the line under name property # The url parameter is required and the name optional # Example: # connections: # - url: https://ec2-54-252-138-12.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8882 # name: cloud # - url: https://ec2-54-252-138-12.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8883 # name: cloud2 connections: - url: https://servera.mycompany.com/tm1rest name: Server A - url: https://serverb.mycompany.com/tm1rest name: Server B - url: https://serverc.mycompany.com/tm1rest name: Server C - url: https://serverd.mycompany.com/tm1rest name: Server D # Process naming is used by Arc when adding prefixes to new parameters and # variables. It is also used for matching variables against dimension in CELLGET and CELLPUT # functions. For example a variable called vAccount will automatically be inserted into # a CELLGET (using auto-complete) if it has a dimension named Account processnaming: variablestring: v variablenumeric: v parameterstring: p parameternumeric: p constantstring: c constantnumeric: c numeric: "n" string: s # Language used for the Arc application. # English is currently the only supported language. language: en # Number formats used for passing values in the cube viewer number: precision: 2 # Default number of decimal places thousand: "," # Separator used for thousands decimal: "." # Separator used for decimals # The number of seconds to wait for Arc to connect to a TM1 Admin Host or REST API timeoutseconds: 10 # Show the CAM namespace option on the Arc login dialog # This is only required if using TM1 10.2.2 usecamsecurity: true # useadminhostname can be used when accessing TM1 instances on a remote server through # an admin host. Arc will replace the IP Address provided by the admin host (which may # be private) with admin host name. useadminhostname: false # The level of logging to display in th Arc console and log file # Options: CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG # CRITICAL shows the least information and DEBUG the most loggerlevel: INFO # If set to UseSSL to true the Arc server will run using https instead of http. # By default a self-signed certificate will be generated using the server name for the host name. # NOTE: Self-signed certificates are not trusted by the browser so you will receive a warning message # in the browser. To remove the warning generate certificates via a valid certificate authority or # use the Let's Encrypt option below. # If you want to use your own certificate place the ssl/cert.pem and ssl/key.pem files in the Arc directory. usessl: false # If you are using a different host name configured through DNS you can change the name # used to generate the SSL certificates. sslhostname: # https://letsencrypt.org/ # Let's Encrypt is a free, automated, and open certificate authority (CA), run for the public's benefit. # It is a service provided by the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG). # To use this option Arc needs to be a publicly accessible, i.e. the internet not intranet. # When enabled Arc will attempt to retrieve a SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt and then set up the # Arc web server to use them. # NOTE: You must set sslhostname parameter to match your DNS entry. When using Let's Encrypt Arc # will run on both port 443 (HTTPS) and port 80 (HTTP). Both of these ports need to be accessible # to the Let's Encrypt service for the certificates to be generated. If you have issues check # your firewall. useletsencrypt: false