Export to Excel with User and Date Info

Hi Everyone,

Is it possible to include username, date and time in Excel (like top-right side), while we export the Apliqo UX screen? As I know, we could put some info on Excel File name, but client wants it inside of excel, because the name of the excel can be change by someone.


Include the row with user info as first row Data of the table and it should be available in the output file

Hi @ishapiro,

Can you give more detail for your answer? To put user info as first row will be in architect side or Apliqo UX side?


Are you exporting a view or dashboard widget?

Actually , the question came as general. Can be a view, dashboard widget etc.

You could include the }Client dimension as to get user name and incude it as filter, then use export to excell with filter included to display it as part of the filter section of excel fileScreen Shot 2020-07-13 at 5.43.00 pm

Dont know about the Timestamp but you could use current Hour that is a dimension element in Time Dimension that will be populated and used in filter the same way

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