DBR commenting functionality with HTML: how to start on empty cell?


I was just browsing through the Canvas Samples for DBR formulae, and was kind of fascinated by the commenting samples that open a rich text editor as popup (or inline) when clicking the comment text. Exactly what I need.

But … how do I trigger the editor when there is no comment text in the cell initially? I found out that in the sample, if you replace the existing comment by an empty string, you will not have the chance to click anywhere in order to trigger the editor.

Feel free to try it in the samples - version is Canvas 2.0.7.

Any suggestion? I would like to place a fontawsome icon as a placeholder in case the comment is empty. Clicking that icon would trigger the editor. But how do I realize that?



I just found that tm1-default-empty="[Comment]" will bring up the clickable text “[Comment]” and everything works fine then. May be you could add this in your Canvas samples in future, as it was rather confusing. However, having the chance to provide a fontawsome icon or so would also be great.


Providing a tm1-default-empty attribute will serve as a workaround, however I would prefer to avoid this attribute, because whatever you specify here, will appear as default text in the comment editor. Of course, it is not very intuitive to start with a useless text in the editor, where the first user action is to delete the text.

My proposal would be: make use of the dbr’s tm1-placeholder attribute, i.e. if specified in combination with html popup commenting functionality, the tm1-placeholder value could be displayed.

Hi @andreas.franke,

We will have a look. Can you please contact your Cubewise Local office for them to be able to assist you in submitting a ticket for this.



Dear Paul,

I just opened a ticket 2667.


Hi @andreas.franke,

Thanks for the update! And in relation to the last part, yes, the tm1-placeholder was supposed to help out with that. However, when I tried that out, it was not appearing. So this is a bug.
